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Prevent Common Household Leaks

Prevent Common Household Leaks

It’s no secret that household water leaks are bad for the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average household leaks more than 10,000 gallons of water every year. To put that into perspective, your own home may be wasting enough...
Prevent Common Household Leaks

Prevent Common Household Leaks

  It’s no secret that household water leaks are bad for the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average household leaks more than 10,000 gallons of water every year. To put that into perspective, your own home may be wasting enough...
You Need Flood Insurance

You Need Flood Insurance

Mother Nature can throw one heck of a punch. And as residents on the East coast learned yet again with the winter storm Jonas, you don’t want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Unfortunately, she seems to be striking out more often than ever, drenching parts of...
You Need Flood Insurance

You Need Flood Insurance

Mother Nature can throw one heck of a punch. And as residents on the East coast learned yet again with the winter storm Jonas, you don’t want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Unfortunately, she seems to be striking out more often than ever, drenching parts of...
Simple Ways to Protect Your Home From Fire

Simple Ways to Protect Your Home From Fire

If you believe you’ll never experience a home fire, the odds are against you. The NFPA Fire Analysis and Research Division states Americans can expect to average a home fire every 15 years or five fires in their lifetime. While most of these fires will be small, cause...
Simple Ways to Protect Your Home From Fire

Simple Ways to Protect Your Home From Fire

If you believe you’ll never experience a home fire, the odds are against you. The NFPA Fire Analysis and Research Division states Americans can expect to average a home fire every 15 years or five fires in their lifetime. While most of these fires will be small, cause...