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Civil Litigation

Massachusetts Lawyers for Your Civil Litigation Needs

At the Westfield, Massachusetts, Law Offices of Moir & Ross, we are trial attorneys with a focus on winning advocacy. We spend a lot of time in court, and we know how to successfully present a case in front of a judge or a jury. Bringing a case to trial is a complex process that only culminates in the courtroom. Before going to trial, a case consists of factual investigations, legal research, motions to the court on procedural and legal issues and negotiation with opposing counsel. With so much involved, it is no wonder that especially complex civil litigation can go on for years.

Prompt Action. Prompt Solutions.

Attorneys at our law firm know that our clients want effective solutions quickly. They know that prolonged litigation often means higher costs for clients. That’s why we take a pragmatic approach to civil litigation. We custom-tailor our strategies to the needs of our clients, letting them define what it means to win.

Our clients include consumers, companies, contractors, subcontractors and individuals with legal conflicts. Each of our clients has different needs and goals. We handle a broad range of matters that fall under the umbrella of civil litigation, so we can provide services that really work for you:

  • Consumer protection
  • Breach of contract disputes
  • Lease disputes
  • Construction defects
  • Personal injury
  • Premises liability

To talk with one of our skilled trial attorneys about your civil litigation needs, contact our law firm at 413-568-1957. We make sure to respond promptly to our clients’ needs, taking action to get the results they deserve.